Artisan bread recipes from The Lighthouse Bakery - From Britain with Love (2024)

Artisan bread recipes from The Lighthouse Bakery

Nicky Sherwood heads toThe Lighthouse Bakery School (listed in our directory here) in East Sussex and learns how to make traditional British artisan bread. Join us to learn British breadmaking techniques in an exhilarating hands-on day of baking. Hope you love these artisan bread recipes from The Lighthouse Bakery.

The Lighthouse Bakery is a busy bakery school and small wholesale bakery, run by Rachel and Elizabeth, set in the beautiful East Sussex countryside. As well as supplying artisan bread to a variety of local cafes, delis and restaurants, they also offer an excitingrange of hands-on baking courses, designed to inspire even the most inexperienced would-be bakers to have a go at making bread from scratch at home.

Artisan bread recipes from The Lighthouse Bakery - From Britain with Love (1)

Having never made bread from scratch before,I definitely fell into the novice baker category and was slightly alarmed when confronted with the list of processes that go into making handmade bread, as well as the sheer number of different breads that we would be attempting to make in one day.

But experienced bakers Liz and Rachel reassuredmy fellow would-be bakers and Ithat we would be guided through every process and were confident thatwe’d be leaving the bakery that afternoon with a total of seven different varieties ofhandmade artisan British bread:from white rolls, a classic bloomer anda wholemeal loaf, to a batch of English muffins, Yorkshire teacakes, Chelsea buns and a traditional Welsh fruit bread called Barra Brith….so we were certainly going to haveour work cut out!

Artisan bread recipes from The Lighthouse Bakery - From Britain with Love (2)

Artisan bread recipe #1 Crusty White Rolls


  • 400g white bread flour
  • 7g sachet Easy Bake Dried Yeast
  • 1tsp salt
  • 1tbsp sugar
  • 1tbsp sunflower oil (or olive oil if you prefer)
  • 280ml tepid water


  1. Mix the flour, yeast, salt & sugar together.
  2. Add the water and oil and mix roughly together.
  3. Tip onto a lightly oiled surface and knead for around 10mins until the dough feels smooth and bouncy.

  4. If you have an electric prover (like we had) shape the dough into 13 oblong ball shapes, cut a slash in the top with a sharp knife or bread lame and place on a greased baking sheet, allowing plenty of room between each and leave to prove for 20 minutes. After that jump straight to step 8.
  5. Alternatively cover with clingfilm and leave the bowl to prove in warm place until doubled in size (1-2 hours depending on the temperature).

  6. Grease a baking sheet and place 13 evenly sized oblong balls of dough and cut a slash in the top with a sharp knife or bread lame (allow plenty of space between).

  7. Cover the baking sheet with oiled clingfilm and leave to prove again for an hour or so until they have doubled in size.

  8. Bake in a preheated oven (425° F / 220° C / 200° Fan / Gas 7) for around 15mins or until golden brown and sound hollow when you tap them.

  9. Transfer to a wire rack and allow to cool (if you can wait that long!)

A baker’s dozen

After an explanation of the breadmaking process, our first task is to create a baker’s dozen of crusty white rolls to enjoy later with our ploughman’s lunch. Following the recipe sheets, we make up the white bread dough and knead and form the rolls.

It took a bit getting used to, but we soon got into the rhythm of kneading and folding, and before long ourthirteen rolls were arranged on a baking tray and placed in an electric prover for 20 minutes so that the dough couldrise.

Once out of the prover, the rolls were noticeably larger with a spongier texture as the fresh yeasts did their job in the gentle warmth of the prover. We then made a cutacross the top of each roll, before spraying them lightly with water and placing them in the oven known as ‘Colin’ (well every oven should have a propername!) to bake.

After 19 minutes in Colin’s tender care, our rolls emerged transformed from pasty lumps of dough to sweet-smelling, golden browncrusty rolls.Our first bake had been a complete successand the warm rolls were placed in a bread basket ready for the lunch table.

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Artisan bread recipe #2 Classic White Cottage Loaf


  • 400g white bread flour
  • 7g sachet Easy Bake Dried Yeast
  • 1tsp salt
  • 1tbsp sugar
  • 1tbsp sunflower oil (or olive oil if you prefer)
  • 280ml tepid water


  1. Mix the flour, yeast, salt & sugar together.
  2. Add the water and oil and mix roughly together.
  3. Tip onto a lightly oiled surface and knead for around 10mins until the dough feels smooth and bouncy.

  4. Cover with clingfilm and leave the bowl to prove in warm place until doubled in size (1-2 hours depending on the temperature).

  5. To make the traditional cottage loaf, divide the dough into two balls – one larger than the other and use the ‘chaffing’ technique to roll the two balls of dough into shape using both hands simultaneously.
  6. Place both balls on a baking tray lined with semolina and allow to rise (until double in size).
  7. Place the smaller ball of dough on top of the other and then use your floured middle and fore fingers to plunge a deep hole through both layers right to the bottom and cut four evenly spaced cuts around the edges with a sharp knife or bread lame
  8. Bake in a preheated oven (425° F / 220° C / 200° Fan / Gas 7) for around 35mins or until golden brown and sounds hollow when you tap the bottom

  9. Transfer to a wire rack and allow to cool

Our second bread making exercise was a Classic White loaf, using the same dough recipe as the rolls.

Cottage or bloomer?

Our next decision was whether to shapethe doughinto a long classic bloomer or a round cottage loaf.I chose the latter and was taught the‘chaffing’ techniqueof rolling the two balls of dough into shape using both hands simultaneously, before placing them on atray lined with semolina to prevent them sticking, then putting them into the prover to rise.

To create the finished cottage loaf, the base and top sections were constructed andI wasshown how to plunge a deep hole through both layers, before making four cuts aroundthe edges of the loafand placing it into the oven. My course-mates who had chosen to make a traditional bloomer were shown how to slash thirteen diagonal cuts across their long loaves – something which takes both manual dexterity and good spacial awareness to ensure thatthe thirteen cuts are evenly spaced along the length of the loaf. When the oven door was opened to reveal my first loaf in all its golden glory, I was amazed at just how much the bread had risen, and pleased to see that it really did resemble the kind of rustic handmade cottage loaf that you mightfind in an artisan bakers shop.

Artisan bread recipes from The Lighthouse Bakery - From Britain with Love (4)

Artisan bread recipe #3 – wholemeal loaf


  • 500g Strong Wholemeal Bread Flour
  • 7g sachet Easy Bake Dried Yeast
  • 1tspsugar
  • 1tspsalt
  • 350mltepid water
  • 1tbsp sunflower or olive oil
  • extra oil for greasing the tray


  1. Mix the flour, yeast and sugar together in a large bowl.
  2. Stir in the water, and roughly mix then stir in the salt.
  3. Mix in the oil.
  4. Using your hands gather everything together into a ball of dough.
  5. Knead dough in the bowl for around 15 minutes. Avoid adding extra flour.
  6. Cover the dough bowl with a large upturned mixing bowl and leave it in a warm place, for the dough to double in size, which will take about an hour.
  7. Knock back the dough and knead again for a further 15 minutes before leaving to prove for a further 15 minutes.
  8. Place the dough in a well-floured brotform (or banetton)
  9. Invert an upturned bowl over the brotform and leave to rise in a warm place for 40 minutes (or prove in an electric prover like we did).
  10. Pre-heat the oven (220˚C, Fan 200˚C, 425˚F, Gas 7)
  11. Turn out the risen dough onto an oiled baking sheet and bake the loaf for 40-45 minutes.
  12. Turn the bread out of the tin, tap the base and if it sounds hollow, the bread is cooked.
  13. Leave to cool on a wire rack.

Creating patterns with bannetons

No rest for the wicked… and next up was a nutritious and wholesome loaf made using stoneground wholemeal flour.After weighing out the dry ingredients, we mixed them into a dough which we then kneadedby hand for around 15 minutes. As wholemeal flour contains both the germ and the bran, it requires more kneading to break down the gluten thanwhite flour. After bulk fermenting for an hour, the risen dough was then knocked-backagain before being left to rise for another 15 minutes.

The dough was then placed in a special coiled basket called abrotform or banneton and placed into the prover until it had roughly doubled in size. Once risen, the dough was turned out of the basket and placed upside down on a traywith the coiled pattern clearly indented on top.

After a light dusting with flour, cut a cross-shape on top using a sharp knife and place the loaf in the oven. Bake for 25-30 minutes until golden brown. The finished result is an attractive floury loaf with a rich brown crust and a firm texture.

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Artisan bread recipe #4 English Muffins


1 7g sachet Easy Bake Dried Yeast

1 tsp sugar

470g plain white flour

235ml of tepid water

1 tsp salt

160g natural yogurt

60g semolina


  1. Mix the yeast, sugar and flour together then add the tepid water and yogurt and mix together to form a rough dough.

  2. Knead for 10 minutes, dusting with a sprinkling of flour as you go, if necessary.

  3. Let the dough rest for 5 minutes.

  4. Roll the dough out to a thickness of about 1/2 an inch. Cut out circles with a 3 inch round cutter. Re-roll any excess and form more muffins. You should get 12-16 muffins total.

  5. Put the semolina into a bowl and dip the muffins to coat before placing on a baking tray

  6. We proved them in the electric prover, alternatively cover with a damp clean tea towel and allow to rise for about an hour – or until they are almost double in size.

  7. We baked our muffins in the oven 170 C/gas 3 for 20 minutes
  8. Alternatively brown the muffins in a heavy non-stick frying pan over a medium heat for a few minutes on each side before baking for a further 10 minutes at 170 C/gas 3 until cooked through

  9. Cool slightly on a wire rack then split open and enjoy!

A secret ingredient

In between baking loaves of bread we quickly whipped up a batch of delicious English muffins, as popularised by the 19th century ‘Muffin Men’ who sold their wares from a tray hungaround their neck. The ‘secret ingredient’ in this recipeis plain yogurt which gives the muffins a distinctive tangy flavour, quite unlike any shop bought muffins I’ve ever tasted. The muffin shape was created by rolling out the dough and pressing out circles using a pastry cutter.

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We dip the muffins into a bowl of semolina to coat them before placing on a tray and then into the prover. Once risen, bake the the muffins in the oven for 20 minutes until golden in colour. The following day I enjoy my English muffins for breakfast with bacon and scrambled eggs, and I can honestly say they are a world away from pallid supermarket muffins.

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Artisan bread recipe #5 Bara Brith


  • 175g dried fruit
  • grated zest of 2 oranges
  • 250 ml strong tea
  • 450g bread flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 60g soft brown sugar
  • 1 sachet easy bake yeast
  • 75g butter
  • 1 teaspoon mixed spice
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 225ml warm milk
  • 2 tbsp honey


  1. Place all of the dried fruit and orange zest into a large jug or bowl, and pour over the hot tea. Cover and allow to steep (preferably overnight).
  2. The next day when you are ready to bake the Bara Brith, pre-heat the oven to 170C/350F/Gas mark 3
  3. Sift the flour into a large bowl, then add the salt, sugar, and yeast.
  4. Cut the butter into pieces, then rub into the flour until the mixture looks like fine breadcrumbs.
  5. Stir in the mixed spice, then stir in the egg and warm milk.
  6. When the mixture is reasonably well mixed, turn out and knead on a floured surface for 10 minutes.
  7. Put the dough back in the bowl and cover the top of the bowl with clingfilm.
  8. Put the bowl in a warm place and leave to rise for 1-2 hours until doubled in size.
  9. Turn the dough out onto a work surface, and knead in the mixed fruit. After you kneaded in most of the fruit, you’ll probably find you get to a point where the dough won’t pick up any more fruit. You’ll just have to push this fruit into the dough by hand.
  10. Shape the dough into a domed shape, and then place on a baking tray and cover with clingfilm or a clean tea towel and leave to rise again for 30-45 minutes.
  11. Pre-heat the oven to 190°C (375°F or gas mark 5 or 170°C for a fan oven).
  12. When risen the dough should be about double in size again. Place the baking tray near the bottom of the oven. After 15 minutes the loaf should be lightly brown on top. Cover the loaf with a piece of foil and cook for a further 10-15 minutes.
  13. When cooked turn the loaf out and cool on a wire rack. Brush the top of the loaf with the honey to give it a sticky sweet top.
  14. Slice and serve spread with butter. Also delicious toasted and spread with butter

Bara Brith origins in North Wales

Welsh for ‘speckled bread’ , Bara Brith originated in North Wales. It is full of dried fruits and spices and can be glazed with honey for extra sweetness. Milk, eggs and butter enrich the dough, while the fruit, brown sugar and mixed spices add flavour to the loaf. We use strong tea to steep the sultanas, raisins and mixed peel but you could also use a spirit such as rum.

We start by mixing and then kneading the dough by hand until it smooth and elastic. Then we leave it to ferment for an hour and a half. After this, we add the fruit mixture and knead again until well combined. Using the chaffing method we form the into a tight round ball and place on a tray. This goes into the prover to rise. Once risen, bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes, then brush with honey and leave to cool. This spicy fruit loaf tastes great toasted with butter.

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Artisan recipe #6 Yorkshire Teacakes

By the end of the 19th century no Yorkshire tea table was complete without these currant-laden teacakes. The dough consists of a ‘sponge’ made the night before, which we mixed into the final doughand added the fruit. The dough was thenleft to bulk ferment for 20-30 minutes, before being hand rolled into 12 equal sized balls.

Next we flatten each ball of dough with a rolling pin until roughly the size of a saucer. Then place them on a baking tray and place them in the prover to rise. We prick the risen teacakes all over with a fork and bake in the oven for 15 minutes. Teacakes are delicious warm from the oven, or toast and butter for a tea time treat.

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Artisan recipe #7 Chelsea Buns

Our seventh and final baking project of the day was the impressive looking Chelsea Bun, apparently named afterTheBun House located near Sloane Square in the 18th century.The deep golden coloureddough is flavoured with cinnamon, cardamom and lemon zest, while the dried fruit filling is enriched with butter and brown sugar. After mixing andkneading the dough, we left it to bulk ferment for about an hour, before rolling it out into a rectangle and spooning over the surface amixture of currants, sugar andpieces of butter.

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Time to get rolling

Next we roll up the the dough into a tight roll and seal the outside edge with a little water. Using a sharp knife, we form the individual coil buns by cutting 3cm slices off the roll of dough.

We space the buns well apart on a tray with baking parchment lining and put in the prover to rise. They are ready when they are almost touching. We sprinkle them with caster sugar then bake for 15 minutes until the filling starts to bubble. Brush on a glaze of milk and caster sugar and leave to cool.

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A baker’s box full of fresh bread

And so it was thatthree novice bakersleft the Lighthouse Bakery on a Friday evening with sore feet and aching arm muscles, eachladen down with a baker’s cardboard box packed full of fresh-from-the-ovengolden delicacies to be enjoyed with friends and family over the weekend.

Artisan bread recipes from The Lighthouse Bakery - From Britain with Love (12)

This one-day course is a fantastic introduction to classic British baking. It’s suitable for complete beginners as for those wanting to try out new recipes and techniques. A great day out and a fantastic opportunity to learn some new culinary skills.


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Artisan bread recipes from The Lighthouse Bakery - From Britain with Love (2024)


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